
Solo Moms offers a safe space for moms to sit at the feet of Jesus to be loved by him and be filled with his truth. Seasons change so some seasons we are on zoom each week and some seasons we meet in person. We discuss real issues single moms face and how to navigate it with Jesus and community

Events / Past events

Solo Moms hosts events each month providing a safe space again to gather with other like minded single moms and their families. It gives the moms and kids an opportunity for connection and relationship. As well as it gives the body of Christ the opportunity to serve them right where they are just as Jesus would. These events build community within the families and unity in our community.


Founder and director of Solo Moms Stacy Hester hosts a podcast to empower single moms to live out their best God given life. To provide encouragement, support, even some laughs to single moms of all walks of life. The podcasts are also a way to equip and empower the Saints so that they can serve the widows and orphans well.


Solo Moms has a wide range of support and resources being partnered with many other non-profits throughout central Florida. We are better together when we link arms to be each part of the body God calls us to.

The Healing Hub

Make a Difference Inc. in Dade City recently purchased properties and is letting Solo Moms use them to serve families. The first property is an old school that is 6,000 sq ft on 1.72 acres. The plan is to restore the old school into a resource hub, community space, and school for single moms and their children at risk. A one-stop shop for families to be healed, empowered, and equipped to be all God has called them to be. We will have a community garden as well. This school will have wrap-around services for families living in the healing house (see property 2 below) as well as moms and children in the community.

This property is at the edge of Pasco County on the border of Hernando Sumner and Polk.

It’s a sweet spot for so many moms to be served, loved, and drawn to Jesus.

East Pasco currently has minimal resources that have a negative impact on our community. Our services will provide resources to not only prevent families from being divided but also help reunify moms and kids who have been separated.


Trauma Team

We are in the process of building an inner healing trauma team. This team will walk alongside our families through their trauma(s) with inner healing prayer also known as SOZO. We use specific tools by Dan B. Allender.

Trauma Retreats

These retreats will provide a safe space for moms to come receive healing from trauma. It will lead them step by step through the process of change, facing truth about the past and present experiences and the feelings; wrestling with God and other people, and yourself; and understanding goals along the way. It will include inner healing prayer throughout the process.

The Healing Village

The third property is 2.13 acres, we plan to build tiny houses to create independent living for phase 3 of the healing house as well as affordable living for families we serve in the community. 

The new property location is not being disclosed due to us housing families coming from human trafficking. We will have a specific team that works on this house. The healing house will be residential living and healing for three-plus years. There are three stages to our residential. 

Rescue – Restore – Rebuild

We will be buying these properties from Make a Difference Inc. We are currently renovating the buildings and preparing programs for our missions. These are our current needs:

  • (Safe Families) Safe Families Tampa is one of our sister movements that we are deeply woven with. We need to find more churches that are willing to step up and be a part of safe families. There are several ways to serve with Safe Families
  • Host family
  • Family coach
  • Family friend
  • Resource friend
  • Volunteers – for all things
  • Building cleanup and maintenance support
  • Partnerships for funding
  • Community Collaborators
  • Furniture & household goods for buildings