Mission Scripture

God has sent me to give them a beautiful crown in exchange for ashes,
To anoint them with gladness instead of sorrow,
    to wrap them in victory, joy, and praise instead of depression and sadness.
People will call them magnificent, like great towering trees
    standing for what is right.
They stand to the glory of the Eternal
    who planted them.
And they will rebuild this place from its ancient ruins;
    they will restore the ages-old, once-splendid structures;
They will renew Israel’s ruined cities
    from the ashes and debris that laid untouched for many generations.

Isaiah 61:3-4

Who We Are

Solo Moms is a dedicated non-profit organization committed to supporting and empowering single mothers and their children. We have recently acquired property to establish a comprehensive Healing Hub, designed to address the complex needs of families affected by human trafficking, domestic violence, and various forms of adversity.

Our Vision

We envision a community where single mothers and their children are free from abuse, exploitation, and poverty. We strive to create a safe, nurturing environment that fosters healing, growth, and empowerment, ultimately leading to flourishing families and stronger

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a holistic, one-stop resource center that offers comprehensive support, healing, and opportunities for single mothers and their children. We aim to:

  • Prevent and heal from child abuse, neglect, human trafficking, and
    domestic violence
  • Empower women to leave abusive situations and build independent, thriving lives
  • Promote family reunification and strengthen family bonds
  • Address the mental, physical, and spiritual needs of our clients
  • Provide education and skill-building opportunities for long-term success
  • Create a sense of belonging and community for single-parent families

Stacy Hester – Founder, director, Elder

From small-town farm girl to fierce warrior for Christ, Stacy has emerged as a powerful advocate for vulnerable women and children. A single mom for 20 years and now a foster parent, Stacy founded Solo Moms out of her own journey of struggle and triumph. Surviving domestic violence and sexual assault, she’s dedicated over a decade to ministering to single mothers. Her passion lies in rescuing families entangled in domestic violence and human trafficking. Unafraid to stand on the front lines, Stacy’s unwavering faith in Jesus Christ fuels her mission. This multi-talented woman fearlessly pursues justice, embodying the spirit of a true Christian warrior.